Premier single de ce trio Londonien, ce disque est typiquement le genre de petite pépite étonnante qu'on aime découvrir chez RPUT. Cette chanson a un doux parfum de 1966, à mi chemin entre le Garage Rock, la Soul et le son Mod, on se croirait presque en train d'entendre les Who (les choeurs et la rythmique en sont particulierement inspirées). Alors évidemment, on pourra leur reprocher un certain manque d'originalité, bien que les groupes officiants dans le domaine à l'heure actuelle sont peu nombreux : The Blue Van, Little Barrie et ... Mais Hibernation est une telle chanson, portée par un refrain chanté superbement, une ligne de basse rebondissante et des riffs rageurs, qu'il y a largement de quoi twister, ce qui est amplement suffisant.
écouter Hibernation
First single made by this London based trio. This is the typical nuggets we love at RPUT. This song is typically '66 mod - garage soul with a big touch of Who (check the men voices and the beat). This is clearly not the most original song ever, even there isn't much band doing thing like this (The Blue Van, ...). But this song is quite fantastic, because the chorus is amazing with the great soul voice of the singer and some great guitars. This is barely enough and just make us twist like rarely we do.
Listen to Hibernation
écouter Hibernation
First single made by this London based trio. This is the typical nuggets we love at RPUT. This song is typically '66 mod - garage soul with a big touch of Who (check the men voices and the beat). This is clearly not the most original song ever, even there isn't much band doing thing like this (The Blue Van, ...). But this song is quite fantastic, because the chorus is amazing with the great soul voice of the singer and some great guitars. This is barely enough and just make us twist like rarely we do.
Listen to Hibernation