En 2006, les Young Knives ont sorti à notre avis l'un des meilleurs albums de l'année, du art-punk-indie péchu et original et leur nomination au Mercury Prize en est peut être enfin la récompense, puisque jusque la ils avaient été très peu exposés. Elaine est la face B de leur excellent single Here Comes The Rumour Mill, on est ici assez loin de leur style habituel qui donne dans un punk froid, arty et irrévérencieux. Elaine est plutôt une sorte de ballade rapide avec guitare acoustiques et paroles rigolotes, mais elle est d'une énergie folle, le break central avec ses la-la-la en harmonie est génial. Voici un morceau d'une grande classe, qui n'est pourtant qu'un face B...
écouter Elaine.
In 2006, The Young Knives released, in our opinion, one of the best album of the year. It was an energetic and original blend of art indie and punk. They've just been nomitated to Mercury Prize, which is good thing because they wasn't really exposed at the time. Elaine is the B-side of their great single Here Comes The Rumour Mill, they're quite far from their regular style, Elaine is like a fast acoustic-guitar ballad with some funny lyrics, but this song's got a great energy and the break with his vocal lalala harmonies is just fantastic. Check this out!
listen to Elaine.
écouter Elaine.
In 2006, The Young Knives released, in our opinion, one of the best album of the year. It was an energetic and original blend of art indie and punk. They've just been nomitated to Mercury Prize, which is good thing because they wasn't really exposed at the time. Elaine is the B-side of their great single Here Comes The Rumour Mill, they're quite far from their regular style, Elaine is like a fast acoustic-guitar ballad with some funny lyrics, but this song's got a great energy and the break with his vocal lalala harmonies is just fantastic. Check this out!
listen to Elaine.
1 commentaire:
Pas grand chose de plus à dire : ton blog est une vraie mine d'or !
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